Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gator Cake!

I love this cake so much! I was actually depressed to cut it, but maybe that's because it looks like you're murdering an animal.....note to self, no more cute animal cakes. Oh well, at least it wasn't red velvet :-P I made it for my BFF because she got into UF and it was her high school graduation. Her high school colors were black, red and white that's why the hat and diploma and sign aren't blue and orange. The head and tail were made from rice crispy treats and the legs are pure fondant. The body was a separate piece so it's sort of frankensteinish and I covered it all in fondant so it looks put together. I transported this in a 3 hour car ride :-O Scariest thing ever!!!!! She made it safely with only a little bit of damage :-)

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